
Things You Didn’t Know About Prophet Uebert Angel


Getting to know the Prophet Uebert Angel

Welcome to the Prophet Uebert Angel blog. We all thought we knew everything about The Good News Church leader Uebert Angel. Uebert Angel does not offer interviews to the press and most of what is written about him in the media are second-hand information.
Prophet Uebert Angel

Here are revelations about himself that we haven't read anywhere else:

1. Born Uebert Angel on the 6 September 1978. Uebert Angel is the last born in a family of 9 children.

2. Uebert Angel loves bad publicity. Uebert Angel loves bad publicity because to him it's part of their charitable exercises. He considers it part of the Good News Aid charity arm. He understands that some bad journalists can never put food on the table until they invent and sell a bad story. So we are helping a few journalists feed their families. It's all charity.

3. Grace is one of the Godly gifts that he appreciates: he defines grace as such: "religion says because I am flawed I am unacceptable and grace says though I am flawed I am acceptable. Now you have my definition.

4. Uebert Angel doesn't qualify his value in money. Answering a question on how much he is worth he said: "if you want to know my value, I would ask, how much time do you have? Given you don't have much time, I will give the short version and here it is; you can't put a value on something already paid for. Jesus paid for me to do the maths."

5. Uebert Angel believes anyone that is turned off by the good news message is not ready for heaven. Asked who the real target of this Good News is? He responded: "I can doubtlessly say on the authority of the natural word of God that anyone who is turned off by the Good News of God's grace, is not ready for heaven. Good News is not homogeneous but heterogeneous; it accommodates all, no matter what shape or size you are. It is a one size fit all message!

Learn more about Uebert Angel and The Billion Group here, Connect with Uebert Angel through Linkedin here and buy Uebert Angel books through Amazon here.

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